Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven there is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends, so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and confortable.
All the animals who have been ill or old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt are made whole and strong agian, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, exceptfor one small thing; they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but some day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; her eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the rainbow bridge together.
(rose is rose)
The purry gates (anon)
It seems that I've reached heaven, or its doorstep at any rate.
And been winding round St Peter's ankles by the pearly gates.
I've plucked the angels' harp-strings and made a merry sound.
But it's plucking at my heartstrings that you are not around.
So I think I'll sit and wait here, just outside the door.
And as the souls come floating in, I'll tap them with my paw,
And when you seek admittance, they'll rename this place -
It will become purradise, and these the purry gates!
From rainbow bridge
Weep not for me though I am gone
Into that gentle night.
Grieve if you will, but not for long
Upon my soul’s sweet flight.
I am at peace, my soul’s at rest
There is no need for tears.
For with your love I was so blessed
For all those many years.
There is no pain, I suffer not,
The fear is now all gone.
Put all these things out of your thougts,
In your memory I will live on.
Remember not my fight for breath,
Remember not the strife.
Please do not dwell upon my death
But celebrate my life.
I Stood Beside Your Bed Last Night
I stood beside your bed last night. I came to have a peek.
I could see that you were crying, and you found it hard to sleep.
I "spoke" to you softly as you brushed away a tear:
"It's me, I haven't left you. I'm well. I'm fine. I'm here."
I was close to you at breakfast as you slowly sipped your tea.
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today. Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels. I wished I could do more.
I was with you at my grave today. You tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you that I'm not lying there.
I walked towards home beside you as you fumbled for your key.
I gently touched you with a paw and softly "said" "It's me."
You looked so very tired as you sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.
It's possible for me to be so near you every day. ]
To say to you with certainty "I never went away."
As you sat there very quietly, you smiled and then you knew...
in the stillness of the evening that I was very close to you.
The day is over and as I watch you yawning, I say "Good night,
God bless and I'll see you in the morning."
And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll again stand side by side.
I have a lot to show you, so much for you to see. Be patient,
live your journey out... then come home to be with me.
Author Unknown
I know what you're thinking. You think I'm dead. Because you cannot
see me with your human eye, cannot feel me, with your hands or hold
me in your arms. You think I am gone forever.
You recall how I looked when I left this place and you cannot
remotely imagine that I could possibly be alive in another place.
You are racked and torn by the pain of our separation and it blinds
you to that which is right in front of you ... me.
How many times since I left your immediate sight have you been told
that I'm dead and you should "get over it"... How many times have you
cried yourself to sleep because you feel like an outcast, believing
you're supposed to get over me because that's what people say is
normal... but somehow you can't and no one seems to understand?
How many times have you put yourself through such excruciating pain
because you aren't willing to consider that I am not, by any means,
I want you to do me a favour and go back in time with me. Remember
the glorious day I came into your home- was I not the most intriguing
creature you'd ever met? Did I not make you laugh and giggle?
Did I not look at you with such adoration that you wanted nothing
more than to spend the rest of your life with me? I wanted this too.
Remember the days when I was in my prime and we did many things
together. You were so proud of me! I was a good friend and I took
care of you when you cried, were angry or felt down and unhappy.
When you didn't have a lot of time for me because of your
obligations, I waited patiently for you. I was always there when you
needed me. Did I not look at you with such acceptance and patience
that at times you felt perhaps a bit unworthy? You were never
unworthy in my eyes.
Remember when age crept up on me, my bones became stiff and my
movements slower. Still I met you at the door when you came home and
followed you around the house. We'd been together for so long, I was
your very best friend regardless of what you were doing, saying,
thinking. Did I not look at you with such kindness and understanding
that you felt overwhelmed? I couldn't get enough of you.
Remember the last time we saw each other with earthly eyes? You tried
to be brave but I knew you were crying ... I know you so well. Better
than anyone else in the whole world. Did I not look at you with such
pure trust and love that you yearned only to hold me close and keep
me with you always? Did you not promise that you would love me
forever? I believed you. If this is so then why have you let me go by
thinking I no longer exist?
Remember the depth in my eyes all those times I looked at you with
adoration, acceptance, patience, trust and love. Who created this
depth and love? Would the Creator diminish the song of our laughter
which was created in the name of love? I am no longer an earthly
figure, this is true. My body was only part of who I really am. My
body would have been but a mere shell on earth if it were not filled
to overflowing with my soul, my spirit, my loving light.
When we met you thought I was cute, sweet, pretty and adorable. But
what kind of relationship would we have had if this is all that I'd
been? How could you have loved me if I'd had no spiritual substance?
We are all made up of energy which resides far deep down inside of
us, it is our core, our soul, spirit and loving light. It is the
energy that is all of life ... it has no beginning, it has no end. It
simply is and always will be and without it there is no life. You
can't see it with the naked eye nor can you hold it in your hand, it
is simply a certain knowing that this energy does exist. It's a
knowing just as you know that our love existed on earth -
you couldn't see our love in a solid sense, you couldn't gather it
all up and confine it to one place. But you *knew* it existed. There
was no doubt in your mind.They demand you get over me, insisting that
I'm dead and you'll never see me again because animals don't go to
Heaven. Oh really? I'm here to tell you different. You were worthy of
my love and undying devotion on earth as I was of yours. Do you
really believe this love would be snatched from us *forever* by a
loving Creator simply because I wasn't human? Was I not a
living, breathing creation with personality? How could I have been so
if I didn't possess the energy of soul, spirit and loving light? And
if this energy is and always will be, then how can it be that I am
dead? If my core is not of the energy that is all of life then I was
never alive to begin with.
But you know better.You cry because you miss me, this I understand. I
miss you too - I miss the belly rubs, hugs and kisses that we shared.
But life does go on beyond these wonderful, fulfilling physical
connections. I came to this place to live a whole new life, not
because I didn't love you anymore or because I wanted something
better. I came here because it was time for me to go to the next
phase of my existence, something all living creatures must do
eventually. It is the normal progression of life. I was not taken
away from you because you cannot take away that which was never
owned. My presence in your life was and is a gift to be cherished and
honoured just as I cherish and honour you.
Life is not simply about being born into a body, living a certain
number of years and then dying. Energy cannot die. We are blessed
with time in a body so that we can learn, share and grow. It prepares
us for the next phase of our eternal life. The body holds within it
the true life force of our existence ...our soul, spirit and loving
light. Without these our bodies would be empty, blank, void of
feeling and expression. Without our energy we would indeed be dead
and could never have experienced our love for each other.
You say that all you have left are memories. Not so. You see, when I
took leave of my earthly body I left a little something behind for
you. You can't touch it, hold it or examine it. For what I left
behind is far too uninhibited for confinement. I left behind a piece
of my soul. I placed it right next to your own which is quite fitting
as we were always side by side in our earthly life together. I love
you too much to have left you with nothing but memories which tend to
fade and grow cloudy as the years go by. I love you too much to have
vanished without a trace. How selfish it would be of me to remove
love and light from your life. I understand your tears, each one you
shed is testament to your love for me and I am honoured and humbled.
But don't forget the good things we shared -
Remember and smile. This is an honour for me as well. And when you
need me I will be here. Close your eyes, relax, take slow, deep
breaths and picture me in your mind. Shut off the world and your
notions of what death is and give me a chance. Look for the subtle
signs I send you. Don't stop being proud of me, I am a friend to be
proud of, I am still your friend and soul mate. Don't memorialise the
death of my body but instead honour and celebrate my never-ending
life for it is eternal and forever as is my love for you.
Until we meet again...
Van Aukje:
Gisteren toverde ik een trapje,
Van hier tot aan de regenboog.
Dan kan elk dier om middernacht
Nog even naar het baasje terug.
Kijk dan lieverd,
Kijk dan toch mee,
Daar komt tussen al diertjes
Ook jou lieverd naar benee.
Zie je haar komen?
Wat rent ze hard.
Ze weet dat je wacht,
Met liefde in je hart.
Ze springt in je armen,
Jij kust haar, zij likt terug.
En laat jou met die kus weten,
Ik mis je daar bij de Regenboog!
Into the freedom of wind and sunshine,
We let you go.
Into the dance of the stars and the planets,
We let you go.
Into the wind's breath and the hands of the star maker.
We let you go.
We love you, we miss you, we want you to be happy,
Go safely, go dancing, go running home.
My best friend
She can hear me
She can sense me
Together we are one
No greater friend could one have had
Since god made earth
And warmed it with the sun.
At night she lay upon my bed
From night time until dawn
And if one day she wasn't there
Pangs of pain would fill my heart
With sorrow and forlorn
But in heaven we would meet again
This time our togetherness would last for ever and ever
Never to part again, never never.
This, she, that i refer to
Is silky, my faithful friend.
I know because god had told me
Our love will never end.
To spring like lightning
And to my bosom cling
Makes this unfeline sound
Looks into my eyes and start to sing
The purrs she makes are deep and harsh,
It could be purrs of happiness,
It could be just a laugh!
But the feeling that is between us
That draws our love together
And like the presence of the holy ghost,
Our love will last forever.
Mrs. V.k. Bull
De dood is niets
Ik ben maar aan de andere kant
Ik ben mijzelf
Jij bent jijzelf
Wat we waren voor mekaar
Zijn we nog altijd
Noem me zoals je me steeds genoemd hebt
Spreek tegen mij,zoals weleer
Op dezelfde toon
Niet plechtig,niet triest
Lach om wat ons samen heeft doen lachen
Bid, glimlach
Denk aan mij
Bid met mij
Spreek mijn naam uit thuis
Zoals je altijd gedaan hebt
Zonder hem te benadrukken
Zonder zweem van droefheid
Het leven is wat altijd geweest is
De draad is niet gebroken
Waarom zou ik uit je gedachten zijn?
Omdat je me niet meer ziet
Neen,jij bent niet ver
Juist aan de andere kant van de weg
Zie je,alles is goed
Je zult mijn hart opnieuw ontdekken
En er de tederheid terugvinden
Zuiverder dan ooit
Dus droog je tranen
En ween niet als je van me houdt
Time may pass and fade away
Silent thoughts and memories stay
Till we meet again
Je bent niet dood
Die in mijn hart blijft leven,
Het is de stilte eromheen
Die het verdriet blijft geven,
Totdat, zelf gearriveerd bij de regenboogbrug,
We blij zullen roepen: oh, wat heerlijk, je bent terug!
May I go now?
Do you think the time is right?
May I say goodbye to pain filled days
and endless lonely nights?
I've lived my life and done my best,
example tried to be.
So I can take that step beyond
and set my spirit free?
I didn't want to go at first.
I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now
to a warm and living light.
I want to go,
I really do.
It's difficult to stay.
But I will try as best I can
to live just one more day.
To give you time to care for me
and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid,
because I see your tears.
I'll not be far,
I promise that, and hope you'll always know
that my spirit will be close to you,
wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me.
You know I love you too.
That’s why it's hard to say goodbye
and end this life with you.
So hold me now just one more time
and let me hear you say,
because you care so much for me,
you 'll let me go today...
Time for me to go now, I won't say goodbye
Look for me in rainbows, way up in the sky
In the morning sunrise, when alle the world is new
Just look for me and love me, as you know I loved you
Time for me to leave you, I won't say goodbye
In the evening sunset, when all the world is through
Just look for me and love me, and I'll be close to you
It won't be forever, the day will come and then
Time for us to part now, we won't say goodbye
Look for me in rainbouws, shining in the sky
Every waking moment, and all your whole life through
Just look for me and love me, as you knouw I loved you
Just wish me to be near you
And I'll be there with you
JENNIFER 1973-1992
Farewell, our little Jenny-fur,
May you have gone to one long purr.
Rest here in peace, and while you do
We’ll plant some catnip here for you.
Rest here, my foot! – I’m young again,
Young – to enjoy the sun and rain,
There are no shots, there is no pain,
Where I am gone.
I’m Free - to race about het house,
I’m free, to chase the errant mouse,
To look for gerbils, hamsters too
Ánd all things I used to do.
My new mink coat is sleek and warm –
The old had got so thin and worn –
My step is light, my eyes are bright,
I’m altogether back in form.
I love to play, and win instead,
Wrestling with ming upon your bed,
To climb the drapes and down again
While Ming and Tahshi do the same.
I jump just like I used to do –
At least as high, and higher too
And when I make it not as high
Can chin myself on some silk tie.
I ride your shoulders, now and then,
Lie on your desk and nudge your pen,
Sit on your knee and flex my claws,
Sit by the fire and wash my paws.
It’s pleasant, lying here below
Watching my old friends come and go,
I’m pleased to see you, every one
But when Georgina comes – I know.
For it was she, that first found me
Out there, shivering, in the snow.
She picked me up, she soothed my fears,
And took me home – for eighteen years.
But now I’m gone – you know not where,
Where I have gone, it’s fresh and fair.
I know, some day, you’ll meet me there,
And when you come, I’ll come to you.
R.I.P. Jenny – you little rip –
(Seanair, Melbourne June 1 1992)s
Je vind geen woorden voor je zieke maatje,
van wie je weet, hij redt het niet.
Je streelt zijn kopje, je ziet zijn ogen,
je bent bevangen door verdriet.
Toch ben je dankbaar voor z'n einde,
dat na zoveel moedig strijden kwam,
omdat het niet alleen zijn leven op aarde,
maar ook zijn lijden overnam.
Jij klein wonder,
je kwam zo heel bijzonder,
als een sprookje uit duizend en één nacht
heb je vreugde bij ons naar binnen gebracht.
Nu missen we je snoetje met die prachtige ogen
en zijn telkens door verdriet bewogen,
want, helaas het afscheid kwam nabij,
alleen de herinnering aan jou maakt ons blij.
soms kon ik stilletjes naar je kijken,
dan genoot ik heel intens
begon vol bewondering op jou te lijken.
Ik werd meer kat en jij meer mens.
Er was oogcontact als je me aankeek
en ik voel nog jouw kopje op m'n arm
als je na het wassen neerstreek
op schoot, tevreden spinnend, heerlijk warm!
Zo samen in ons paradijsje
aandoenlijk knus en amusant,
maakten wij ons wereldreisje
op weg naar kattendromenland!
(M. Duizendstra-Beyer)
(Maureen en Frances)
Jij klein wit wonder,
je kwam zo heel bijzonder,
als een sprookje uit duizend en één nacht
heb je vreugde bij ons naar binnen gebracht.
Nu missen we je snoetje met die prachtige ogen
en zijn telkens door verdriet bewogen,
want, helaas het afscheid kwam nabij,
alleen de herinnering aan jou maakt ons blij.
soms kon ik stilletjes naar je kijken,
dan genoot ik heel intens
begon vol bewondering op jou te lijken.
Ik werd meer kat en jij meer mens.
Er was oogcontact als je me aankeek
en ik voel nog jouw kopje op m'n arm
als je na het wassen neerstreek
op schoot, tevreden spinnend, heerlijk warm!
Zo samen in ons paradijsje
aandoenlijk knus en amusant,
maakten wij ons wereldreisje
op weg naar kattendromenland!
(M. Duizendstra-Beyer)
Als ik straks oud ben, ziek en zwak,
en pijn verjaagt de slaap,
als onrust neemt van mij bezit,
doe dan wat onvermijdelijke is,
en laat me gaan:
de laatste goede daad.
Beslis voor mij
en wees niet laf.
Past eigenliefde bij de vriendschap die ik gaf,
of uitstel tot het beter past,
bij een verloren strijd?
Ik ben niet bang
tijdens die laatste gang.
Jij loopt niet weg:
je kijkt me aan
je noemt mij bij de liefste naam
en houdt me stevig vast.
Vandaag voor het laatst
groet ik je met mijn kattestaart...
Wat jij liet doen
deed je voor mij:
je hebt me nog meer pijn bespaard,
voor zinloos lijden mij bewaard.
Een zwaar besluit?
- nee, huil nu niet-
een wijs besluit,
dat werd gegrond
op een oud en uniek verbond
de liefde tussen mens en dier.
It's Just
a Dog
Just a dog, just a cat
Just an animal, lazy and fat
Just get over it, just get another
It's not like it's your son or mother
Fools around me speak in shame
Never knowing my pet's name
They roll their eyes, they dub me weak
They treat me like my loss is cheap
Had I lost my arm or lost my sight
Then my sorrow would be worthy and right
But I'd give my arm, my leg, and my home
To have her back and not be alone
My synthetic smile so wry and charming
Hides a growing outburst that's so alarming
I choke back words to defend my tears
Because they would fall only on deaf ears
It's sad that they have never shared
A love so pure and uncompared
Though my heart bleeds from a cut so deep
Their hearts stay cold in stagnant sleep
Just a cat, just a dog
Just a friend with whom to jog
Just someone standing by my side
When life brings on it's bumpy ride
Just a reason to hope and believe
That not every creature has something up it's sleeve
Just someone with whom to chat
My dog, my friend, my family, my cat
-Author Unknown
Opeens was daar 8 juli, verraderlijk bestaan
De embolie tikte aan, tijd om te gaan
Rambo verliezen, stil verdriet...
En het leven zijn lichaam verliet...
Je bent gegaan naar een plaats niet ver van hier,
Waar het warm is en een plaats van plezier.
Waar het gras groen is en de lucht zo blauw,
Dat alles wil zeggen dat ik van je hou.
Een plaats waar je bent met katten hier en daar,
Met vredevol gespin, eender waar.
Daar zijn kattenbrokjes tot aan de lucht
En waterkommetjes voor een drink in een zucht
En waar er muizen zijn om te jagen
Maar niet gegeten worden, juist maar om te plagen.
Je lichaam eens gewond en zonder leven...
Je lichaam terug gezond en weer vol leven...
En rennend door het kattenkruid,
Neemt het je mee naar het blauwe water, voluit
Waar de katten kunnen zwemmen maar blijven droog
En grote bomen om te klimmen, héél hoog.
Maar iets mis ik, denk je, als je gaat over het pad,
Opeens zie je daar een Gouden Brug voorbij het nat
Regenboogkleuren schit'ren als je komt dichterbij
Maar een wolkenvorm doet je stoppen,
je kunt de brug niet over,... niet mopperen.
Want een mooie engel komt opeens naderbij
"Rambo", zei hij heel zachte,
"Je bent op een plaats waar je moet wachte'. "
Een andere kat flitste vlug naar de Brug
De wolken verdwenen en de zon was terug
En Rambo zag, het ging zó vlug,
De kat was herenigd met zijn familie terug...
De blijdschap, de vrede, maakte Rambo weer blij
Hij rende terug waar het gras groen is en de lucht zo blauw,
Hij wist dat dat wou zeggen: ik hou van jou.
De plaats waar je bent met katten hier en daar,
Met vredevol gespin, eender waar.
Naar weiden vol catnip daar naast het blauwe water,
Waar de katten kunnen zwemmen maar blijven droog,
En grote bomen om te klimmen, héél hoog.
Een kat kwam bij hem, Rambo was verrast haar te zien,
Maar ja, dat was toch Tamara, gelukkig haar te zien.
En daar was Emily, Cally, Melissa en Caramel,
Allen luid spinnend van geluk, dat kan wel.
En alle zes de katten renden vol plezier,
over de groene weiden, naast de stroom zo blauw,
Al spinnend en mauwend: wij zijn hier bij jou.
Waar de katten kunnen zwemmen maar blijven droog,
En grote bomen om te klimmen, héél hoog........
Voor Marius
En toen ging je weg
Kwam niet weer terug
Voel nog de warmte van je buik
De zachtheid van je rug
Je pootje raakte me aan
Waarom, waarheen
Ben jij toch gegaan ?
Dagen en nachten
Steeds in gedachten
Ben je aan het lijden ?
Ik wil je ervan bevrijden !
Heb je honger, lijd je kou
Lieverd, waar zít je nou ?
Ik blijf je zoeken
Want waar je ook bent
Je missen
Is iets wat nìet went
Wellicht zit je achter de regenboog
Daar is het warm, veilig en droog
Mijn gezicht is nat,
Wíst ik het maar...
Jij , liefste kat!
Je vrouwtje Heleen (jan .2003)
Als ik straks oud ben, ziek en zwak, en pijn verjaagt de slaap,
als onrust neemt van mij bezit, doe dan wat onvermijdelijk is,
en laat me gaan...... de laatste daad.
Beslis voor mij, en wees niet laf,
Past eigenliefde bij de vriendschap die ik gaf,
of uitstel tot het beter past bij een verloren strijd?
Ik ben niet bang tijdens de laatste gang.
Jij loopt niet weg... je kijkt me aan, je noemt me bij de liefste naam,
en houd me stevig vast.
Vandaag voor het laatst groet ik je, en kijk je aan.
Wat jij liet doen deed je voor mij, je hebt me nog meer pijn bespaard,
voor zinloos lijden mij bewaard.
Een zwaar besluit? Nee, huil nu niet.
Een wijs besluit, wetende dat, jij mijn liefste baasje was,
en ik jou liefste kat.
(Herkomst onbekend)
by Cynthia Rylant
The way to Cat Heaven is a field of sweet grass
where crickets and butterflies play.
A cat may be late in getting to Heaven . . .
there's so much fun on the way!
But an angel will wait
at the yellow front door,
wait til a kitty
comes home.
And when she arrives,
he'll give her a kiss
and some milk
in a bowl all her own.
There are trees
in Cat Heaven,
trees made just for cats,
trees growing
so green and so high.
But no one gets stuck in a tree
anymore --
if a cat wants down,
she will fly!
And oh the toys,
kitty toys everywhere,
thousands and thousands
go by.
There are buttons and baubles
and small cotton mice --
there is catnip afloat
in the sky!
There are angels,
of course,
with soft angel laps
where kitties can purr
loud and strong.
The angels will rub
kitties' noses and ears
and sing them
a Cat Heaven song.
And when cats are hungry,
there's God's kitchen counter
all covered with
white kitty dishes,
full of tuna and salmon
and mounds of sardines,
and wonderful little pink fishes.
The cats in Cat Heaven
are so loved and spoiled
God lets them all
lie on his bed . . .
He walks in His garden
with a good black book
and a kitty
asleep on His head.
Then when a cat needs,
she may just simply ponder
and watch the blue world deep and wide . . .
She will watch the old house
where she once lived and wandered,
and the people who loved her inside.
All cats love Heaven,
they know the way there,
they know where
the angel cats fly.
They'll run past the stars
and the moon and the sun . . .
. . . to curl up with God in the sky.
(Dedicated by Cynthia Rylant to Caps, Nick and Edward VelvetPaws)
Met pijn in mijn hart…
Met pijn in mijn hart,
Zag ik je achteruit gaan.
Vol angst voor het onafwendbare,
Bleef ik vol hoop.
Op een beetje meer tijd
Een verbetering van jouw conditie,
Al een aantal jaren
Zag ik de aftakeling,
De achteruitgang.
Zo zwak en vermagerd.
Toch gaf je blijk van levenslust en moed
Mijn dappere Ollie, mijn beminde bink.
Het afscheid kwam nader.
Jouw pijn is voorbij.
Maar lieve Ollie,
Jij blijft altijd bij mij.
In hart en herinnering
Zul je bij ons zijn
Mijn tranen zullen je begeleiden
Op je weg naar zomerland
Ver weg over de regenboogbrug.
Daar waar het gras zoveel groener zal zijn
Waar lichamelijke klachten niet meer bestaan.
Zij die al gingen zullen daar op je wachten.
Het weerzien zal geweldig zijn
Nooit meer zware nachten
Een heel goede reis, zonder verdriet of pijn.
Ollie is niet ziek meer
Hij is op weg naar zomerland, naar het Licht
Daar waar pijn en ziekte niet meer bestaan
Zal hij op ons wachten.
Liefs Marianna
En toen ging je weg
Kwam niet weer terug
Voel nog de warmte van je buik
De zachtheid van je rug
Je pootje raakte me aan
Waarom, waarheen
Ben jij toch gegaan ?
Dagen en nachten
Steeds in gedachten
Ben je aan het lijden ?
Ik wil je ervan bevrijden !
Heb je honger, lijdt je kou
Lieverd, waar zít je nou ?
Ik blijf je zoeken
Want waar je ook bent
Je missen
Is iets wat nìet went
Wellicht zit je achter de regenboog
Daar is het warm, veilig en droog
Mijn gezicht is nat,
Wíst ik het maar...
Jij , liefste kat !
Je vrouwtje Heleen (jan .2003)
Ik heb mijn kat geborsteld
vele jaren
Nu is mijn kat gestorven
ze is dood
Maar in de borstel zitten
Nog haar haren
En mijn verdriet, mijn verdriet is groot
Ik aai de borstel en ik voel van binnen
dat ik een beetje gek word en
en zo oud…
De borstel gaat, heel heel zacht,
tegen me spinnen
terwijl hij, zachter nog,
tegen me mauwt.