Herewith some reactions on Purring Angels. They make us very happy. We feel so proud! Many lovely mails and telephones we got about the book. Most of the reactions are in Dutch, but some are in English like the one Jenny sent me. Jenny is a well know author in England and wrote the wonderful books: ‘A Cat In My Lap’ and ‘Amber’. Lovely books the are!
Hello dear Marg,
It as lovely to hear from you, thank you as always. I am sure you
and all your furries must be basking in the sunshine of much praise
at the moment. I am now at page 122 of your book, thoroughly
enjoying it and so impressed with all your knowledge and research
etc.. some of which I know will show up very strongly at the end of
the book. . . but all the lovely little stories are so moving and
the mixture of poems, stories, sound advice and illustrations is a
great success.
Yes, indeed I do know how much work goes into a book and you must
have put in your very life blood, hours and weeks and months and
years to have so much wonderful detail. I am full of admiration.
Much love Jenny
And two weeks later: ‘Still very much enjoying the book. So much good advice. I think Adora Bubble should read it.
(Adora Bubble is her little kitty)
Marc Matthijssen wrote: ‘What a lovely book! An other milestone in your life and what a wonderful one!!! Many many congratulations! We are proud at you! Marc and Lieve.’ ( Marc is a dear friend and is Pharmacist)
Elyse Cregar who wrote the lovely book ‘Feline Online’, ( ) sent me this lovely mail.
‘Hi Marguerite - your beautiful book arrived here in Moscow, Idaho! - it
is a real treasure- I love the pictures, the cover design is adorable!
and look forward to reading it soon!! you must be very proud! and your
Purring Angels as well. I will send you a real card when I've had a
chance to read a bit.’
Much love Elyse’